UMJ Kotoshiro Fund (Japanese Long/Short Equity Strategy)
The UMJ Kotoshiro Fund provides unique investment opportunities by seeking alpha from the Japanese equity markets. The fund uses mainly a bottom up approach based on fundamental research. The top down approach is also taken to support the micro analysis. By adjusting volatilities between the long portfolio and the short it seeks to avoid unnecessary down side risks. The fund seeks a constant positive monthly return with a low correlation to the market.
Investment Manager – United Managers Japan Inc.
UMJ Super Cycle Fund (Japanese Long Short Equities Strategy General Technology & Manufacturer Focus/Technology Cycle)
Our approach is based on bottom up research on onshore/offshore technology firms and manufactures, analyzing their end products, middle products, materials, and their equipment and the larger technology cycle. Top down analysis is employed on each area for macro economy analysis. Based on this research and the results of the analysis, our Long Short positions are generated and the goal is to generate stable returns uncorrelated to the market.
Investment Manager – United Managers Japan Inc.
UMJ Galleyla Fund (Japanese Long Short Equities strategy)
The UMJ Galleyla fund seeks to generate attractive absolute returns by investing in Japanese long-short equities and their related derivative instruments such as index futures and options. The fund uses an unique investment approach which emphasizes the crucial role of technical analysis.
Fund Advisor – Galleyla Investment Co., Ltd.
UMJ Kouwa Fund (Japanese Long Short Equities Strategy Sector Bias)
The fund specializes in domestic demand and consumption related sectors. The sectors we focus on are the retail, food, cosmetics, daily essentials, leisure and related sectors, and each sector is divided into sub-sectors. From mid-long-term views as well as short-term views, we aim to construct a unique portfolio which can be successful due to the unique nature of the fund being focused on these sectors.
Investment Manager – United Managers Japan Inc.
UMJ Ouka Fund
The Master Sub-Fund’s investment objective is to maximize the return on the Sub-Fund’s investments through investing and trading in Japanese publicly-traded securities and Japanese index futures and options, while accepting a level of risk that the Investment Manager believes is consistent with preservation of the Master Sub-Fund’s assets. Current income is not an objective. The Master Sub-Fund expects to invest almost all of its assets in Japanese equities. The Master Sub-Fund may hedge its portfolio positions using Japanese index futures and options. To achieve the Master Sub-Fund’s investment objective, the Investment Manager will employ a proactive, disciplined investment process based on the following principals, and guidelines.
Investment Manager – United Managers Japan Inc.